söndag, november 05, 2006

Söndag, och jag leker

Eskapi hittade jag följande oemotståndliga lilla lek:

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense.

Will it be ok? It’s the nighttime
How are you feeling today? Wither must I wander
How do your friends see you? Twisted logic
Will you get married? Against the tide
What is your best friend’s theme song? Liar (Nej, J, nej!)
What is the story of your life? We’re computerizing and we just don’t need you anymore
What was high school like? Rock show
How can you get ahead in life? Meat is murder
What is the best thing about your friends? Kiss you off
What is tonight going to be like? Rebel Rebel
What is in store for the remainder of this weekend? Hold me
What song describes you? In the future when all’s well
To describe your grandparents? Absolute beginners
How is your life going? Deliverance
What song will they play at your funeral? I just want to see the boy happy
How does the world see you? Disappear
Will you have a happy life? Like foxes through fences
What do your friends really think of you? Laughing out loud
Do people secretly lust after you? Sexy Back
How can I make myself happy? No backbone
What should you do with your life? Survived by her husband
Will you ever have children? Tomorrow never comes

(Jag har inte fuskat, trots att vissa svar är lite för roliga, lite för poetiska och lite för sanna.)

1 kommentar:

Josefine sa...

ahaha, det där var ju inte klokt!
sexy back blev bra, förstås! men jag gillar ju helt klart "kiss you off"-svaret bäst!